About Speciality Cinema Speciality Cinema has built a reputation for excellence in food, customer service and family environment. Whether it's to dine in or take out, we warmly invite our guests for a hot lunch or dinner.
About Speciality Cinema The Speciality Cinema is your alternative to the megaplex movie going experience. We are by choice the small guy in town, providing more intimate, personal setting in which to enjoy a perfect afternoon or...
Our Birthday Package Includes:
1. A theater exclusively for your party as you can better enjoy the movie. Watch one of the films currently at the theatre or bring your own, we do the rest.
2. Popcorn, candy and drinks (fountain soda) for...
About Speciality Cinema Speciality Cinema has built a reputation for excellence in food, customer service and family environment. Whether it's to dine in or take out, we warmly invite our guests for a hot lunch or dinner.